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Geo è un mensile che non propone solo luoghi da sogno ma anche cosa c’è dietro quei luoghi, dietro la loro attualità. Con uno stile che coniuga emozione e approfondimento, con dossier a tema, con...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
March 2016: $4.47
Una excelente referencia que integra todo el estilo cosmopolita y sofisticado de los deportes de la sociedad mexicana. Golf, equitación, vela, tenis y toros son los principales ejes en este exclusivo...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Mayo 2015: $2.45
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Vol.32: $9.55
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.48_15-02-16: $4.78
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Vol.27: $9.36
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.13_Feb-14: $13.38
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.34: $7.21
走ることが大好きなBMW乗りのために達人のノウハウや最新のウエアやグッズなど、BMWを楽しむための情報を発信しています。 もちろん、次々と登場�...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $38.58
Publication featuring textile news and information published in English and Simplified Chinese - serving readers throughout China, Japan, India, Pakistan, Turkey and more.
Available Terms: 1 Year
4 Issues: $50.00 $64.99
Urology Coding Alert covers coding and reimbursement topics such as cystoscopy, biopsy of prostate, residual urine by ultrasound, treatment of bladder lesion, and more. The monthly newsletter can help...
Available Terms: 1 Year
12 Issues: $294.97 $534.00
Shortex has the research you need to control the market, in either bull or bear markets, the hedge position presents the best strategic approach. The Shortex Market Letter provides you with the inform...
Available Terms: 1 Year and 2 Years
14 Issues: $299.99 $339.99
This newsletter offers you the latest information and tactics to optimize your radiology reimbursement. It covers nitty-gritty coding tactics for procedures such as: echo exam of abdomen, bone imaging...
Available Terms: 1 Year
12 Issues: $275.90 $371.00
This newsletter is chock-full of expert advice to help insure you properly code and document your claims for therapeutic services, motor nerve conduction tests, neuromuscular reeducation, gait trainin...
Available Terms: 1 Year
12 Issues: $297.00 $371.00
The Ophthalmology Coding Alert is a monthly newsletter that contains ophthalmology-specific coding and compliance information on how to properly file claims for such services as removal of cataracts, ...
Available Terms: 1 Year
12 Issues: $275.90 $371.00
Neurology Coding Alert is an eight-page one-stop coding and compliance resource that provide tips and tactics to help make neurology coding easier, faster, and more accurate. Articles cover how to pro...
Available Terms: 1 Year
12 Issues: $299.00 $497.00