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Boats Magazines

50 Results
There are many boats magazine subscriptions to choose from at DiscountMags. You will enjoy a wide selection of publications that will provide you with the opportunity to read and learn about any topic related to boating in which you have an interest. There are boats magazines online related to kayaking, cruises, yachting, powerboats, boat design, and many other topics. If you enjoy living the nautical life, you will find a boating magazine for you at DiscountMags. Each of the periodicals in this category will provide you with all the information that you need about specific topics that will help you in your boating endeavors. Whether you are looking to invest in your own vessel and would like to learn about how to care for it to use it to the fullest advantage you can find that in one of the publications, or if you are interested in chartering a yacht, you can learn about that as well. There is a magazine for every sailor at DiscountMags. 
Cross Country Magazine's annual Gear Guide is an in-depth look at the huge variety of paragliding and paramotoring equipment that is out there on the market. Whether you are a paraglider pilot on the ...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Cross Country Gear Guide: $6.83
You’ll find informative, technique-driven articles covering a variety of aviation models including airliners and combat aircraft. Get how-to tips on painting, assembling, detailing, and finishing fr...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Building and Detailing Aircraft: $10.99
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
12 Issues: $53.27 $53.28
Since 2006, Boat Attitude magazine offers its exclusive readers access to the most luxurious yachts as well as the sumptuous associated lifestyle. Certainly the world only yachting magazine dedicated ...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
6 Issues: $21.36 $40.02
Ships Monthly is the world’s number one shipping magazine and Britain’s best-selling monthly magazine for ship lovers. Read by seafarers and enthusiasts all over the world, it contains a unique ...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
12 Issues: $36.72 $53.40
Mook1:波音747-稱霸天空40年的747傳奇nMook2:空中巴士A380 21世紀超級旗艦客機nMook3:世界彩繪機圖鑑NO.1nMook4:全球民航客機現役機種總覽nMook5:世界主�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.7: $15.72
《熟年誌》是一本全面探討熟年議題的快樂生活誌。 從健康醫療、投資理財、退休規劃、休閒生活、人際關係、兩代溝通、旅遊移居,全方位與您一同...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.98_May-20: $4.19
Flightpath is an upmarket magazine for devotees and owners of antique, classic and ex-military aeroplanes. It focuses on the preservation of our Australian Aviation heritage. Each issue of Flightpath ...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Aug-Sep-Oct 2019: $5.61
新加坡第一本中文旅游、美食、时尚杂志。 除了景点,我们也提倡一种旅游态度、——生活,就是最美好的旅程。 通过《畅游行》,我们伴你体会人�...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
14 Issues: $29.99 $41.86
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $12.78 $14.20
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.1: $2.41
全國第一本建築攝影電子書終於問世! 建築師暨攝影家陳益民,結合自身執業多年及攝影創作經驗,從專業角度出發,以深入淺出的圖文介紹,傳遞建�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.01: $3.46
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.7_Jan-16: $5.42
人生中的每一步旅程, 都該踏出精采萬分的火花, 讓您從人生故事讀到活的空間設計, 夢想誌與您一同開創專屬於您的特色生活美學之路。 遊賞最新...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $10.74 $12.80