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History Related Magazines

126 Results
If you enjoy reading and learning about the past, then you will enjoy choosing a publication from DiscountMags’ selection of history related magazines online. In this category, you will find periodicals that are dedicated to various time periods, fields of study, historical figures, and many other topics. There are also many history magazine subscriptions that are more general and provide you with information about a wide array of topics throughout each issue or during your yearly subscription. Both children and adults will be able to find periodicals to enjoy reading in this category. These educational publications will interest you in numerous topics from archaeology to the world wars and the children’s magazines can help instill an early love of learning in any child. Whether you are looking for a publication that will allow you to learn more about a topic that you have always enjoyed or you are looking to learn about something completely new, you will find great history magazines at DiscountMags. 
From sacred sites and ancient ruins to majestic palaces and epic castles, Explore History is the travel magazine for people who live and breathe history. Every issue of Explore History offers incredib...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No. 10: $3.99
Armchair General features a unique, interactive editorial that invites the reader to decide the course of action in challenging historical scenarios, to step into the shoes of a battlefield commander....
Available Terms: 1 Issue
May 2015: $5.99
Our annual Motive Power Review gives you information you can’t find anywhere else: an exclusive listing of every new locomotive built in North America. In addition to the Motive Power Review, you’...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
2021: $9.99
As Elizabeth II prepares to become Britain’s longest ever reigning monarch, we explore the lives of some of the country’s most fascinating queens, princesses and consorts. Through a compilation of...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Royal Women - Time Special: $10.79
This new collector's edition from BBC History Magazine explores the history of the Holy Land from ancient times until the modern era. Discover how three global faiths have battled for control of Jerus...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
The Story Of The Holyland: $10.79
The Middle Ages is a period of history that is often seen through the eyes of the elite, but what was life like for ordinary people? This compendium of the best articles from BBC History Magazine offe...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Medieval Life 2016: $10.79
Step back in time and walk the banks of the River Nile to learn what made this society one of the most powerful ancient civilisations in history. Meet some of the most iconic pharaohs, tour the awe-in...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
All About History Book of Ancient Egypt 2nd Edition: $8.99
The Secret History of Spies This new collector’s edition from BBC History Magazine charts the extraordinary history of espionage, from ancient times until the digital age. Meet some of the world’...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
The Secret History of Spies: $10.79
"P.M. HISTORY ist das vielseitige, lebendige Geschichtsmagazin, das seriös und verständlich informiert, glänzend unterhält und immer wieder überrascht. P. M. HISTORY bietet packende Lesest�...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
12 Issues: $49.97 $50.88
"GEO EPOCHE EDITION präsentiert jeweils eine Ära der Kunstgeschichte monothematisch und bildgetrieben. Bei GEO EPOCHE EDITION geht es darum, die jeweilige Ära so sinnlich und anschaulich wie...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
2 Issues: $28.67 $28.68
CLIO, la musa de la historia para los antiguos egipcios, es tambián el nombre de esta revista de historia, dirigida al gran público, que se acerca al pasado de forma amena y rigurosa, de lectura fac...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
12 Issues: $38.89 $51.84
Guerres & Histoires, le nouveau trimestriel de la gamme Science & Vie, met l’accent sur les principaux conflits qui ont marqué notre histoire. Il s’attache ainsi à livrer une explication...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
6 Issues: $27.75 $36.12
For better or worse, individuals throughout history have changed the world. Leaving lasting legacies that are still remembered to this day, whether it was down to blind ambition, a belief of divinity,...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
All About History Book of Historic Leaders: $8.99
Inventarono la filosofia, la democrazia e l'alfabeto, che usiamo ancora oggi quasi invariato. Ma non solo, furono anche esportatori delle loro invenzioni e delle loro idee e grandi innovatori nelle te...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Antica Grecia: $6.71
A parte gli etruschi, che devono parte della loro fama proprio alle guerre contro l’Urbe, gli altri popoli che abitavano l’Italia preromana hanno lasciato relativamente poche tracce nella nostra m...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Gli speciali di Focus Storia Etruschi: $7.83