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Women's Magazines

75 Results
Clean Eating magazine is about consuming food in its most natural state, or as close to it as possible. It’s a lifestyle approach to food and its preparation, leading to an improved life. Each issue...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Fall 2021: $5.99
esperanza “hope” for depression is an award-winning consumer magazine that serves to empower people living with anxiety and depression. esperanza is packed with inspirational in-depth features on ...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $9.95 $19.96
"BRIGITTE ist das Leitmedium für Frauen in Deutschland, weiß, was Frauen bewegt und kennt all ihre Facetten. BRIGITTE hält die perfekte Mischung bei Auswahl und Umsetzung der Themen bereit u...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
26 Issues: $58.47 $82.42
Pilates is a unique system of exercise that allows you to identify and address any imbalances in your body, helping you to get back to the real you, the way nature intended you to be. Practising Pilat...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
10 Minute Pilates: $3.22
New Zealand Woman’s Weekly is the country’s most read woman’s magazine. A true publishing icon, the Weekly shares stories of real New Zealand women as well as in-depth royal news and celebrity f...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
52 Issues: $13.63 $106.08
Maybe you haven’t run since school or you’ve been dabbling for a while and want to step your programme up a gear. Whatever your level, we’re here to steer you through every aspect of running. Fr...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Health & Fitness Women's Guide to Running 2014: $3.22
If you want to lose weight, increase your fitness and tone up, this 6-week plan will get you in shape and help the pounds will fall away in no time. It includes tips and advice on what to wear, the be...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Health & Fitness Walk Slim: $3.22
Want to stretch your body and soothe your mind? This specially tailored collection of yoga moves and sequences will help you relax, unwind and re-energise in just 10 minutes. Yoga is one of the most e...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
10 Minute Yoga Calm: $3.40
Essential guide for anyone who wants to start a yoga practice—or kick start a lagging one. Includes everything you need to get started–a guide to different yoga styles, and 5 easy practices you ca...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
2009: $8.99
Dedicated to getting runners the tools they need to succeed, Canadian Running gives professional advice and inspiration on everything you need to be faster, fitter and healthier. The magazine provides...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
7 Issues: $8.60 $16.38
Do not tell anyone but we have discovered the secret to torching a ton of calories in next to no time. Yes, really. High intensity interval training – HIIT for short – is the science-backed way to...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
HIIT a Beginner's Guide: $3.22
The Ultimate Guide to Conquering Migraines, a special issue from the editors of Pain-Free Living magazine, aims to educate and provide unbiased insight on the latest breakthroughs and various approach...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Ultimate Guide to Conquering Migraines: $7.99
This guide provides easily absorbed, straight forward education and advice to help all those affected by back pain. Inside the MagBook you’ll find lower back and neck exercises to stretch and streng...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
How To Relieve Back Pain: $3.22
Find out what can happen to your vision and how to protect your eyes for life. A WellBeing Special Report.
Available Terms: 1 Issue
WB Special Report: Eye Health: $2.46
Whether you want to lose bags of weight or boost your athletic prowess, high intensity interval exercise is the answer. A plethora of science backs up the body-boosting benefits of HIIT, which include...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Health & Fitness Fat Loss Fast: $3.22
A 20-day sugar detox plan, including 38 smart, speedy recipes, a guide to spotting hidden sugars and tips to curb cravings. Your guarantee to lose weight and feel great!
Available Terms: 1 Issue
2017: $3.39