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Women's Magazines

75 Results
WellBeing Anti-ageing is a one off bookazine that takes at happy and healthy ageing. This lifestyle guide covers a variety of different topics which include nurturing inner health for glowing skin and...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Issue 1: $6.99
定價NTD160,特價NTD 129。 一年四季,順時生活。跟著季節走,給身體最舒適、著時的生活方案。因應節氣的變化,為自己與家人量身打造飲食、經絡保健...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.8_winter: $4.51
Le nouveau magazine bien-être et santé, incarné par Michel Cymes qui partage toutes ses connaissances et ses conseils pour changer nos habitudes afin de rester en bonne santé. Expert, sans tabou e...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
6 Issues: $11.21 $13.50
《熟年誌》是一本全面探討熟年議題的快樂生活誌。 從健康醫療、投資理財、退休規劃、休閒生活、人際關係、兩代溝通、旅遊移居,全方位與您一同...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No.98_May-20: $4.19
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $12.78 $14.20
With over 160 pages of expert advice guiding you from the moment you put on your trainers until you cross the finish line, this MagBook is your ideal training companion! Whether you’re a first-time ...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
The Ultimate Guide to Marathon Running 2nd edition: $5.39
The Ultimate Guide to Marathon Running is your training companion from entry through to finish. Divided into clear sections covering topics such as what race to run, what kit to buy, perfecting runnin...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
The Ultimate Guide to Marathon Running: $2.69
LOSE IT! The Tim Noakes (Banting) Way is veel meer as net ’n tydskrif – dis ’n tweede kans op die lewe. Soos Brian Berkman, wat ’n verstommende 70kg verloor het, kan getuig. Lees meer hieroor ...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
LOSE IT! Die Afrikaans Uitgawe: $2.95
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
6 Issues: $79.91 $87.90