Why Us?
DiscountMags.com is the premier destination for discounted, bulk magazine orders. Our friendly team of professionals can help with your magazine subscription needs quickly and hassle-free.
We carry over 1,500 of the most popular magazines at the lowest prices available anywhere. Optional Auto Renewal. Free Shipping.
How It Works
Contact our team here. One of our dedicated professionals can assist you with choosing magazine titles, quantity recommendations, discounting, and purchasing. It’s that simple.
Our Guarantee
We guarantee a stress-free shopping experience. Our friendly customer service team will diligently address any of your concerns and are here to help along the way. We offer easy cancellations, free shipping, and do not auto-renew unless you request us to do so. Best of all, our prices are the lowest online.
Why Magazines?
Education: There are a variety of uses for magazines by schools, libraries, teachers, and students. DiscountMags has a long history as being the main provider of magazines to educational institutions, from elementary schools to colleges. Our titles can be used for a diverse mix of educational purposes, from stocking libraries to academic research. We carry hundreds of titles relevant to education including Instructor, Ranger Rick, The Smithsonian, Harvard Business Review, Popular Science, Wired, and Psychology Today, just to name a few.
Business: Magazines are a great source of information in the world of business and news. Staying on top of today’s current business trends is vital to success. Stay up-to-date and in the loop, and have your co-workers or employees do the same. Not to mention, your 3 o’clock appointment sitting outside the reception desk will thank you for supplying the copy of Bloomberg Business they were reading while waiting. Some other great business titles include: Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Consumer Reports, The Atlantic, and Kiplinger’s Personal Finance.
Medical/Dental Offices: Magazines are a staple in the waiting rooms of every hospital, dental, and doctor office. They are the entertainment that makes time fly by for your patients. Instead of a waiting room filled with people on their cell phones or staring at the clock, provide a variety of magazines to keep them content. Our magazine selection has something for everybody. We recommend stocking the waiting rooms with a mixed selection. With 1500 titles to choose from and categories ranging from Fashion to Sports and from News to Travel, we have you covered. Favorites include US Weekly, Men’s Health, Bon Appetit, GQ, and Rolling Stone.
Gifting: Magazines are the gift that keeps on giving, usually for 1-4 years depending on which length subscription you choose. Want to donate magazines to your favorite organization, school, or charity? We can help you do so. Want to send magazines as holiday gifts for a huge list of people? We can easily do that too. Bulk orders must contain at least 10 magazines. Orders that contain fewer titles should be purchased self-served on DiscountMags.com
Top 100 Titles:
Us Weekly
Family Handyman
Taste of Home
Men's Health
Bon Appetit
Women's Health
Reader's Digest
Car and Driver
Better Homes & Gardens
Consumer Reports
Good Housekeeping
Rolling Stone
Architectural Digest
Motor Trend
Food Network
Runner's World
Woman's Day
Kiplinger's Personal Finance
Golf Digest
Cook's Illustrated
Men's Journal
The New Yorker
Outdoor Photographer
Martha Stewart Living
Bloomberg BusinessWeek
Real Simple
Garden & Gun
Sports Illustrated
Country Living
TV Guide
Popular Mechanics
Conde Nast Traveler
Ranger Rick
Elle Decor
Vanity Fair
Fast Company
Merry Christmas Postcard
Scout Life
New York
The Week
Life Extension
Southern Living
This Old House
House Beautiful
Sports Illustrated Kids
Wine Enthusiast
Harper's Bazaar
Texas Monthly
Entertainment Weekly
Ranger Rick Jr.
Robb Report
Happy Birthday Postcard
Psychology Today
Bridal Guide
Diabetes Self Management
Midwest Living
A Gift For You Postcard
Games World of Puzzles
Reader's Digest Large Print
Fine Homebuilding
Highlights High Five
Cowboys & Indians
Girls Life
First for Women
Town & Country
Sound & Vision
Woodworker's Journal