DiscountLock Benefits


DiscountLock is our optional renewal program built to offer you an automatic renewal at the same price you originally paid. If for some reason the same price is not available, we will automatically renew your subscription at the best available price. Per our Guarantee, if you find a lower price for your renewal elsewhere, contact us and we’ll match it.

Don’t Miss an Issue

DiscountLock will ensure your renewal is processed before the end of your order term so you don’t miss any issues.

Best Available Price

If the same price(s) you paid is not available, we we will renew your subscription at the best available price(s) with a minimum discount of 10% off the list price(s) at the time of renewal. If we're not able to give you at least a 10% discount, we will notify you, and not automatically renew your subscription.

Email Reminders

We’ll keep you informed every step of the way. We’ll email you before we process your subscription renewal so that you can make any necessary adjustments.

Cancel at Anytime

There are no commitments. You can login to your account at anytime to cancel DiscountLock.

Unique Benefits

  DiscountMags Publisher
Automatic Renewal Optional Forced Optional Varies
Price Automatically renews at the same or best available price, guaranteed May automatically renew at a higher price May automatically renew at a higher price May automatically renew at a higher price
Cancellation Easy online cancellation Must call Easy online cancellation Varies