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Best Teen Magazines

95 Results
Keeping your teenagers entertained and engaged in their activities is easy with the wide variety of teen magazines available at If you’re the parent of a teenager you know that their interests can change quickly and when they find something they like they go all in. With the huge savings at DiscountMags, it’s easy to find a variety of cost-effective magazines for their ever-changing interests. Parents with daughters will have endless options of teen girl magazines for every interest. Magazines like J-14, It Girl, and Total Girl are perfect for those girls who love pop culture and following celebrities. Time Kids, iThink, and Inspire and the go-to’s for those who love news and science. For those with boys, you’ll want to explore our selection of teen boy magazines. Scout Life and Sports Illustrated Kids are among our most popular teen boy magazines today. Thrasher is another favorite for those young skaters out there. Science and tech lovers will gravitate toward Astronomy For Kids and Junior Science. DiscountMags has a magazine for every teen, all of the teen magazine subscriptions provide your teenager with age-appropriate articles and features so that he or she can enjoy learning more about their particular interests. Find the perfect teen magazines for your child today at DiscountMags.
諸葛四郎 ​(3) ​大鬪雙假面 (1959) 推理武俠系列: 沒看過不算看過諸葛四郎; 推理武俠的代表作。拿知名度、銷售量 ,記憶度來評比,系列中名列前茅...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎 (12) 邊疆平雙怪 (1967) 審查系列-恐龍不見了: 國內開始施行漫畫審查制度,邊疆平雙怪推出「雙怪」-- 兩隻大猩猩,像好萊塢電影「金剛」能一...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎 (14) 蛇谷風雲 (1968) 審查系列-走回推理路線: 定位為黑蛇團姐妹作的蛇谷風雲,試圖以蛇再創民國46年決戰黑蛇團的高峰,然而在國立編譯館的�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎 (5) ​大戰雙騎士 (1960) 武功武俠系列:  武功武俠崛起; 武俠片崛起,挑起蠢蠢欲動的武俠靈感 。敵我雙方都要報殺父之仇,一向為正義出擊�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎 (10) ​魔境歷險記 (1965) 探險武俠系列: 探險武俠的經典之作; 諸葛四郎一行人穿越三千里魔境,巨鳥、大 蜘蛛、三角猛牛、黑牛陣、黑豹、蜂...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $10.74
諸葛四郎​ (2) ​決戰黑蛇團 (1959) 理武俠系列: 爭奪黑蛇團名單;  黑蛇團,蛇多、歹徒多,連首領都從一號排到十號。 推理「看不 見真面目」的敵人...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎 (4) ​大破山嶽城 (1960) 推理武俠系列: 推理進階、大場面大製作。首度安排雙方都出現蒙面人,提供新角度 。推理重點增加了如何攻下固若�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $7.16
諸葛四郎​ (11) ​偏南奇觀 (1966) 探險武俠系列: 恐龍大滅絕;  出現會攻擊人的小鳥群、巨鳥、蝙蝠、犀牛, 雙頭龍與飛天恐龍等奇觀,國內開始施行�...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
No1: $10.74
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
12 Issues: $64.46
Att få barn handlar ju, både bildligt och bokstavligen, om att för alltid ha en del av dig sjäv i en annan kropp, någon som du med jämna mellanrum måste släppa ur sikte och så småningom låt...
Available Terms: 1 Issue
ELLE Kids: $33.02
“i” is an enrichment magazine that stands out boldly from the rest. If you have learners who have little interest in reading and cannot seem to get past the first page or if you simply want to pr...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $17.59 $38.08
Lunch Lady is a quarterly keepsake full of meaningful content, inspiring family stories, easy DIY, stacks of recipes plus funny relatable opinion pieces about the ups and downs of raising childrwn. It...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $18.62 $22.88
Anorak is the Happy Mags for Kids. Aimed at children aged 6+, it contains beautifully illustrated stories, activities and themes, all designed to spark imagination and foster creativity.
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
4 Issues: $21.36 $26.68
RotorDrone Pro is the world’s number one drone media brand. We’re dedicated to today’s drone enthusiast and prosumer, serving up essential information for every audience—from beginners to spor...
Available Terms: 1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years and 4 Years
6 Issues: $34.95 $47.94
Discover the era that changed human civilisation forever: the Bronze Age. From ancient Mesopotamia to northern Europe, explore how a new metal ushered in a new age of innovation.
Available Terms: 1 Issue
Bronze Age: $7.55